Mobile Device Security

The Network Perimeter is gone. Strong mobile security is critical to defend geo-distributed information.

Let's Talk Mobile Device Security

The Mobile Threat and How to Deal With It.

Cybercrime is a hugely profitable business, and and the job of defending ever more valuable and distributed resources is only getting harder. 

Gartner predicts that by 2022 84% of corporate data access will be from a mobile device. Already more than 50% of internet traffic is via mobile devices.

Advancements in, and adoption of, mobile technology have transformed every employee into a roaming cyber threat. Many of us are now using our personal smartphones for work purposes. And, while that may seem harmless and cost-effective for an organization, personal mobile devices are now more powerful than the PCs of several years ago — and they’re just as open to cyber intrusions by hackers. This can lead to compromised data and credentials, resulting in breaches that can cost organizations thousands, or even millions of pounds. 

Businesses need to recognise that mobile devices, both personal and company issued, are a clear and present threat. Yet investments in cybersecurity often overlook mobile threat defense.

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device / Disaster) is hardly a new concept. The initial cost savings are obvious when staff use their own mobile devices for corporate access. Yet the risks seem less apparent. How do you ensure business data remains secure on these devices? What do you do if an employee leaves? Or loses their mobile? They're unlikely to inform you for fear of reprisal, or even detection. How do you know if the device is jail broken and running compromised applications?

It is essential mobile security policy is implemented, along with the ncessary technological controls such as device management, anti-malware, secure storage of corporate data, VPN connectivity for secure communications and access. It goes on.

For more information and advice just call 01462 416400 or email [email protected].



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